Friday, 23 February 2018

Short Animation Loop

Short Animation Loop

Over the past week I have been putting together a short test animation, which is mainly a slow motion loop with some particle effects in the foreground/background. It started off where I was trying to make a more complicated hair and upper body rig for a 2D character in Maya. The short story is that I totally overcomplicated things, didn't think ahead, and ran into a tonne of problems. Anyway, I learned a lot and that is the main thing :)

I also had some serious problems with RenderMan for Maya 2018, and I can't resolve them at all, so I have had to revert to the Maya Software renderer. This actually isn't bad, because I am going for a very flat, slightly old-school type 2D look, so I don't need a whole suite of time-expensive render options, and the main thing is that I am trying to teach myself custom-rigging, so i'm not unhappy. Bear in mind that this is a test, so there will be some very obvious mistakes in there.  

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Liberty 2018

Re-Working Old Work

I finished college about 6 months ago and I have floundered a bit since then, due to a large number of interrelated circumstances that there is no need to go into here. In order to kick start myself creatively I decided to re-work an old drawing, and try and update it a bit. This work originally started out as a pencil drawing using a reference photo that was printed in the Sunday Times Magazine in around 2006 maybe. I scanned the drawing and then did a bit of messing with it in Photoshop. I think that version of it got into an Exhibition in Longford, and I think I entered it into some other exhibition, and i'm pretty sure it got robbed somewhere along the way, because around that time you had to actually drop the print ready-framed to a gallery, you couldn't send jpegs like today. 

Anyway, I think i reworked it around 2010, this time I had got a Wacom Tablet, so I was messing with soft gradients through brush strokes, and i don't think I was too successful, but I did try. 

The third reworking I started in December 2017, and then abandoned it for a few weeks and then took it up on 'Blue Monday', 15 Jan 2018. I'm still not totally sure if I have done a good job with it, but I am going to move on to something else. 

Liberty, 2017-2018 Re-working

Liberty (Detail), 2017-2018 Re-working

Newton Dreams of Klimt, 2010 Re-working

Newton Dreams of Klimt, 2006